Are Yoga Studio Facebook Ads Worth It?
This is THE most common question we get from yoga studios who have not yet tried running yoga studio Facebook ads. The truth is, yes, Facebook ads are worth it for your studio when optimized correctly. Once you have optimized your Facebook page, you can start running ads.
How to optimize yoga ads on Facebook
- Setting your audience. Choose a narrow audience. One question we hear often is, “But what about everyone else? If my audience is narrow, aren’t we missing people?” The key to making the most of your advertising budget on Facebook is lowering your cost-per-click. You will get more clicks if you are able to speak directly to your audience about what inspires, scares, or motivates them. The better you know your specific audience, the better you can do this.
- Location and geofencing – If you are a local yoga studio this is huge for you. Most people will not travel more than 5 miles to go to a yoga studio. Keep your targeting within 5 miles of your studio to be sure you are not showing (and spending $$ on) ads to people who are not likely to visit.
- Copy – Your copy should be tailored specifically to your audience. You want to evoke an emotion.
- Media – Video drives more engagement than images. You will want to use images that your audience can relate to in your yoga advertisement.
Yoga Ad Examples

Get New Students With Yoga Ads On Facebook
Can you handle new students every month? Yoga Web Design has been running yoga studio Facebook ads for years. We specialized in bringing more students to your studio, paid events, and building awareness for your business. We work ONLY with yoga studios so we know the industry inside and out.
Schedule a free strategy session today to find out how yoga ads can help you!